Spirit in Motion Healing Center
Harmony of Body & Soul in Motion
Being Psychic
Many people ask me the following questions about being psychic!
What does it mean to be psychic?
Do psychics believe in God?
Is it of the Dark Side?
Are you crazy;D
Following is a little passage from the bible talking about psychic awareness
Where it comes from and what it is.
What does this mean?
Two weeks of waking up at 9:45, what is this about?
Christmas morning, 9:45, 12/25/2012 I awake with a gentle glow fully engulfed in peace. An urging moved me to google “The meaning of 945.
Several answers from
Doreen Virtue pop up and the angels meaning of numbers.
Several articles of law pop up on the screen as well
In the middle was a link to revelations 22:8 AR 945 and its reference to the new world.
Amused with this finding, as I had studied Revelations in high school as my final for world religions,
It seems to be an answer I had been looking for to the question, “what is my part or truth in the spiritual information I teach?”
This is my answer:
AR 945 Verse 8: And I John saw these things and heard them. And when I heard and saw I fell down to adore before the feet of the angel who showed me these things,
An angel was sent by the Lord to John, that he might be kept in a state of the spirit, and in that state he might show him the things which he saw.
" For what John saw, he did not see with the eyes of his body, but with the eyes of his spirit, for thus man is elevated into the light of heaven, and in that light he sees the things which are in heaven, and not those which are in the world."
That he was then in "the visions of God" and saw a new temple and a new earth."
To be psychic is to be in "The Visions of God"